Gingerbread snacking cake

Sometimes, you just gotta have cake. I like this recipe a lot, even if it did originate with Martha Stewart. Quick, hard to mess up and it doesn't need any icing to make it tasty. Eliminating that extra layer of sugary fat frosting is one way to justify the calories. The other handy justification is to get a lingering flu virus that makes you dizzy for oh, two weeks or so. Being forced to stay indoors for fourteen days can make anyone go a little nuts, the kind of nutso only alleviated by cake.
I am thinking towards the MS walk in April and wondering if I should come up with some sort of gift to give back to donors. Listening to Kim & Tod's podcast (see links on the right) and hearing Tod's idea of giving seminars in radio broadcasting made me want to do something similar. Would people be interested in learning how to bake? Herbals? Or should I just offer a give-away, like a recipe booklet? Hmmm... or doggie biscuits?