John and I went to the lower Westchester MS chapter appreciation dinner last night where we had the pleasure of meeting some great people volunteering to fight MS. There was a terrific speaker, Jack Llewllyn, who has spent the bulk of his career coaching top atheletes to higher performance levels. He was diagnosed with "that damn disease" in 2003, and his speech was very inspirational. More of an attitude approach towards all of life instead of just living with MS, it made me feel great to know that someone else felt the same way I did about how to live with this thing.
The other terrific thing about the dinner was getting to see the fantastic, and I do mean fantastic, new PSA campaign about MS developed by Wieden & Kennedy, aka the people that brought you "Just Do It". Please click on the link here - - and check out all the cool stuff being developed for release this year. I really hope that 2007 is the year that the average American finally learns the difference between Muscular Dystrophy and Multiple Sclerosis. The other aspect of the campaign that I loved was the new, orange MS logo. The campaign encourages people to Cross Out MS, and there is an online drawing tool to let you do just that. Give it a shot, it's a lot of fun, and if you're especially proud of your drawing you can submit it for a permanent place on the web. If and when I have some free time to fool around with graphics this summer I'm going to try and make some photos and videos to post on YouTube and Flickr just for the hell of it.
In food related news, I went to lunch in the city with my sister and Dad today and had chocolate fondue at Max Brenner. It was very tasty, but I still think the restaurant is too crowded and too loud, and this was at 3:00pm on a Friday afternoon. Not really worth it, in my opinion.